AAAAANNNNNDDDDD She's back!!! I love it. I am going to put "Anna's rom.com" on my list of highly anticipated books/movies/albums that I maintain and check too frequently.

I don't have a novel in me.

But I have a hell of an album!!!

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Ah…albums…famously easy to chart with.

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Love it! Oh heavens, spare me from all those people who haven’t a clue! Anyway, good luck! And also, I wrote a romcom ages ago and it’s out, and now I’m writing a book, and it’s hard, but we know that and it’s ok because it’s fun, too, and I also write poetry.

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OMLordt. The beetles! I, too, am curious about what was going on with those things. So, instead of raining cats and dogs, it was raining beetles? WTF? And if I'm pulling them out of my bra, then for real, I need to be cleansed posthaste.

I had two YA novels in me that I self-pubbed in the early 00's and for the first time ever, I'm dipping a toe in the Sexy Pool (aka romance writing) and writing short and steamy interracial romance stories and serializing them here on The Stack. The account is ready, it's just waiting for my words. I think I'll be starting that next month. I'm hella nervous about writing in a genre that I've been reading for over 30 yrs.

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Wonderful! Every word--and of course the novel! Wahoo!!! Love your voice in all the places, Anna.

And those beetles, my underwear, too - wtf? See you in August (cicada season :| ...breaking out the boxers).

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Oh no....are the beetles interstate?

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Congratulations, Anna! I'm so happy for you. And, ugh. Novels, screenplays -- same sitch. I truly believe everyone has one great story in them. Everyone. The diff is, some people drag that story from their brains and onto the page, which is a truly not-easy, painful process. If you can do that more than once, you're a writer (I say that because, once you go through that work and pain, you may not want to again). What's worse is when the randoms tell you they have a great idea for a novel/screenplay...and you should be the one to write it for them. Because, really, all writers have is a bunch of spare time. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Very happy for you, Anna. Please, keep me posted! xo

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Dragging is really the right descriptor...although this one was a lot easier than my last manuscript (location fourth drawer, reader count 4) Like natural childbirth v one on drugs.

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Now *that* is a great descriptor, Anna! I don't have kids, but I would give myself a "push present" when I finished a novel. It is giving birth. LOL. xo

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Speaking as an editor and someone who has written a few novels, sure, we all have one in us. Whether it’s any good or if you can tell it using complete sentences and punctuation that doesn’t require 7,000 changes to the Word doc is another, um, story.

Looking forward to reading yours tho.

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7,000 seems low ;)

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YOU Are someone who does have a novel in you. So go ahead and say it.

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I really enjoyed reading this. And congratulations on your first draft!

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Well thank you!

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But have you read my emails?! A lot of exclamation marks and emojis sounds like a great novel to me ;)

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