Not gonna lie, you lost me at Hold'em. I feel a Kenny Rogers song coming on... BWAHA! Everything else after that read like Charlie Brown's teacher. Until after the picture of your man sleeping. LOL And yay for thumb-sucking cats. How cute is that? Well, YOU may not like it. Especially at 3am. But that could be soothing to me, though. LOL

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My dad went to law school when I was 10... in Tacoma (45 min no traffic, 90 more realistically). So he got an apartment near the campus and stayed there several nights a week. That was pre-Facetime or online poker games. I remember going to look at apartments with him and my mom. And you know what? It was FINE. It was exciting, even. It was a family investment in his happiness, and by extension, our family's happiness. He had an incredible "second career" for 20 years after he graduated at age 50. Here's to adventure and growth and investing in each other. And being thankful to have a job that you actually want to pour yourself into. Congrats!

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Okay, I had to collect myself when I saw that title float across my Apple Watch and hurry to my screen. LOL. See, you know the secret sauce. One and one actually make three: you, me and it. And *it* needs to be cared for. Whether that is a marriage, friendship, business partnership, what-have-you. But I am always shocked -- shocked, I say! -- when people don't understand that math. Congrats to Steve, and you and the offspring and especially the cat. xo

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