Great post. I loved this: '“People are surprised that sometimes the best way to the spine is through the stomach.” I am wondering if they are still surprised by the time someone has accessed their spine through their stomach.'

Once upon a time, in a city that shall remain nameless, I would pay people to look after my car in the street. What I was actually doing, as it was later explained to me, was paying them not to damage it. But it amounted to the same thing, I guess.

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I love this, Anna. I am committed to getting a regular massage (which, so far has been one every 4 months, but, considering I hadn't had a massage since 2019 before I went in April, this is a good start). Depending on what my year-end bonus bestows, I might find a good Rolfer. Your story won me over (and if I see a pink shovel, I'll be in touch). The weirdest/best thing I ever paid for was my OMD (doctor of Oriental medicine). I found out after I went that he was kind of famous (Cher went to him; we both have EBV). Everyone told me how good he was, but no one mentioned the "process". He would touch me (usually my knee, nothing improper), then do a little finger dance before touching a vile of herbs, finger dance, me, finger dance another herb until one was selected and verified, then on to the next until the full formula was created...and I did everything in my power NOT to full-on fold over and cackle-laugh. But this man was magic. He was no BS (believed you should go to your MD not just rely on herbs), and changed my life. Weird sh!t works! You just need to be sure you don't end up with a weird-o doing it. xo

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You're brave. Did you go back? And then what....? Can't leave us hanging.

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