Mar 20, 2023Liked by Anna Rosenblum Palmer

Do you think ANY blank notebook meant to be a journal is a burden. An expectation masquerading as a gift? I do

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1. Brown floral is back in style, isn't it?

2. A family member who shall not be named likes to regift unattractive jewelry that makes me think, "She hasn't noticed a single thing I've worn for 30 years." It's the thought that counts. (Whoever said that never met the bad gift givers.)

3. Love your handwriting. Mine is terrible. I should have been a doctor. My prescriptions would have competed with the worst of them.

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Ah, yeah - I definitely remember getting stuff as a kid, which I didn't care for, but had to use and be grateful for nonetheless: mostly clothing items. Fortunately, most of my family and friends knew me well enough to know that books were always a good gift idea, so I was usually happy with what I got. I think your handwriting is very legible, btw, much better than mine anyway;-).

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Have you read FORBIDDEN NOTEBOOK by Cespeda translated by A. Goldstein. All about what a journal can create, burdens, hardships, etc. Well written and worth reading. K

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handwriting is all good. Bad handwriting, says your uncle Andrew, is mine. XOXO K

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I like your assorted "a"s and especially the carat one in the first line. Borrowing. I only use journals (moleskines of course because fancy) for note-taking prospective gigs. My magnun opus is my art school 'journal' though, from 25 years ago, but only for the doodles and storyboards about the crap agenda, shitty Los Angeles, and late city buses.

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Not sure that this qualifies as a worst gift, but when I was young, maybe seven or so, I remember seeing this giant (wrapped) box under the Christmas tree with my name on it and I was so excited. It was from my grandmother, and we were supposed to open those gifts last, so there was a lot of anticipation. I finally unwrapped it, and it was this giant model of an aircraft carrier with an actual launch mechanism for the little fighter planes. It was... what's that word you love? EPIC. To say I was excited was an understatement. My joy was short lived however, when my parents realized the gift had the wrong name on it and said "oh that's for your brother." His eyes lit up, I lost my prize (there was no way he was ever going to let me play with it), and I think I ended up with a sweater or something. Easy come, easy go. It seemed kind of cruel. (Maybe not as cruel as my sister-in-law's gift to her husband of a key to a fancy car that he wanted that didn't actually exist. She thought it was funny, he didn't. He went outside to look for it and everything.) And your handwriting is better than mine. I try to take handwritten notes during meetings and it's just a mess. I really should learn shorthand.

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Your handwriting is great and very legible! I had so many bad presents, but not long ago I received this horrible scarf that looked more like a collar in fake fur and asked myself what I did wrong!

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I was able to read your handwriting! Mine is chicken script. I make no effort 😝.

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