Same boat as Sue. If I don't put the pills in a weekly dispenser, I forget immediately if I took the pills or not. I have one for morning meds, one for night meds. Since my new dietician talked me into ordering hundreds of dollars of supplements (to help gut issues, but I suspect she gets kickbacks) I had to order FIVE more weekly dispensers (one for when I wake up, three for in-between meals, one for lunch, and one for late night I think), so I will now be looking at a total of seven of these f*cking things.
I finally broke down and HAD to buy one of those day of the week pill dispensers. I couldn’t remember which pill I took two seconds ago, so I now have an ugly pill dispenser on my bathroom counter; better than overdosing oneself I guess.
Same boat as Sue. If I don't put the pills in a weekly dispenser, I forget immediately if I took the pills or not. I have one for morning meds, one for night meds. Since my new dietician talked me into ordering hundreds of dollars of supplements (to help gut issues, but I suspect she gets kickbacks) I had to order FIVE more weekly dispensers (one for when I wake up, three for in-between meals, one for lunch, and one for late night I think), so I will now be looking at a total of seven of these f*cking things.
I finally broke down and HAD to buy one of those day of the week pill dispensers. I couldn’t remember which pill I took two seconds ago, so I now have an ugly pill dispenser on my bathroom counter; better than overdosing oneself I guess.
Making things aesthetic, pills or papers or coats on a rack is a gift and a lift. I’m going to find a pillbox!
It is not your fault. <3