When I had to give up carbs for a while I fantasized about Peanut Butter Puffins... a lot. I think it was maybe the first time that I could feel the pull of food in the cupboard that I wasn't supposed eat, like it was food gravity or something. It was just calling out to me. Weird. I wasn't used to that, I didn't expect it. There were times that I would desire a brownie or something, but this was different. I was able to resist more or less (mostly by getting rid of the Puffins, and also because I was tired of living with pain in my abdomen) so I guess it wasn't overwhelming, but it was extremely whelming. I hope that your blood pressure is lower now.

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I’ve never had peanut butter puffins. Do I need to try?

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I love them. They're kinda like Cap'n Crunch, but they don't shred your mouth as much. Yes. Please give them a try.

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In your after photo, you are BEAMING, though!

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I like the photographer

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Remember that Trump news story years back where he had Sharpie notes in front of him that said "Do NOT Congratulate"... I heard your note today. I will not congratulate. I will say I appreciate you sharing your experience.

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I don't remember that story. But depending on the context it might be the very first thing about Trump I relate to.

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Will try Peanut Butter Puffins. I always hated how Cap'n Crunch ripped up my mouth, since I was knee high, but that was how our grandmother showed us love and my brother and I gobbled them for her (well, and the corny honied taste). I will offer my grand babies PBP when their parents aren't looking. Love the post, Anna. Love you.

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You look great and look like you feel great, Anna! Women need to share information like this. There's too much we keep in the dark for no good reason. Thank you telling it like it is. I'm wonderfully whelmed. 😘 xo

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Love this Anna! And the photo you are indeed beaming ♥️

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Better than the smaller jeans and belt is how happy you look!!!

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Thank you

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Love the belt! I have not put a belt on since my first pregnancy in 1999. I do love your belt -- and your words, I always love your words.

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I was right there with you!

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I just love this post, especially the "after" picture, complete with a BELT. Not a single woman I know wears a belt. Of course, we're oldsters, so that might not be a useful point of reference.

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I know what I am getting you for your birthday

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Love this post and you look hot. As always.

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I think this post is great. Since that is vague may write more later. But you are a very funny writer and I appreciated hearing about your honest experience with these drugs.

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Thank you!

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I love this post!! There has been so much talk about these drugs and it is really helpful hearing about them from your honest point of view. And, the before and after shots really sell it - you look great!

Thank you for posting.

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Again, no credit to me but thank you!

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