The thoughts and fears of 2AM, or 3, or 4, or 5 oddly dissipate the next day. Where do they go?

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With the second socks?

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So true!

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Reading. Always just one more chapter...

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2AM used to be my bedtime. I somehow subsisted on 3-4 hours of sleep per night for years (my 30s, and I made Howard Schultz a billionaire). This is how writers live, right? We are supposed to be nocturnal to get work done. Burn that candle! Now? My first alarm goes off at 4:30 (screw the snooze, I set two more at 4:45 and 5AM...who came up with that 9 minutes thing?), then I'm up and attempting yoga or a row or an urban hike. Who am I??!!?? LOL. But I also don't have kids or pets, and even my plants are pretty self-sufficient. In the past few days, though, I've been waking up at 2AM. First, it was the wind (what a jerk). Last night, though, perfectly still and quiet. Yet, I couldn't fully go back to sleep. (You know that weird sleep where your eyes are closed and you are sort of drifting but are also aware of everything? Not restful!) Love the coinky-dink. LOL'd when I saw your post's title. All those effing 2AMs. Happy 2024, Anna. xo

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Every once in a while that semi-sleep that you describe is lovely. I don't know what internal or external conditions make it so but there it is...and then the next time it's all "to do lists" and imaginary heart attacks. So nice to hear fro you!

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LOL. It can be nice. Just not two or more nights in a row! Let me miss you!!! LOL. And in case you missed this, a certain Q was A'd. xo https://asassylittle.substack.com/p/what-are-you-looking-for

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What a delightfully hilarious take on how 2 am changes with the decade. Love your writing style!

As an incorrigible night owl in my thirties, I am never not awake at this hour. I attempt in vain to recreate the uninterrupted bliss that the 2 am of my twenties offered, but I almost always end up with some version of the imaginary heart attack!

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An early adopter of the imaginary heart attack! So ahead of your time!

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